
Saturday, December 31, 2005

Puppy Star

Apparently, I'm not the only one who has gone "ga ga" over the puppy. I placed the same photos on my flickr account and the number of views puppy has received are numbers I've never seen! The star of the show is this puppy shot with 158 views in less than 3 days! What's with the way a puppy looks and behaves that make us go nuts?!!? Is it that face? Is it that oversized paw? Is it the floppy ears? Amazing.

Thursday, December 29, 2005


Can't stand it. SO CUTE! If there's one GM product I want, it's a dog that stays like that till old age. Argh! Freaky!

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Window Frog

Friday, December 23, 2005

Special price for haircuts

In Singapore, a man can get a haircut together with his maid at the price of $20!

Thursday, December 22, 2005

Walk around the neighbourhood

I took a walk around my new neighbourhood in Singapore looking for possible places to ride. Didn't walk long before I chanced upon this sign...

... sian man! Can't even bring my dog. See how sad he is...

... bloody dog. Ask him to look sad bo chubb me.

Monday, December 19, 2005

Back in Singapore!

After an awesome flight from Sydney, the plane taxied to the terminal and I had to leave my bed in the sky! Row 12!!! The seat was great, the bed was great, the food was great, the service was great, it was a great flight. But BA is still using looping videos on each channel! So lau ya pok! Then again, when you get an upgrade, enjoy the seat and service; not the in-flight entertainment. I can do that the next on the next flight in economy, as an ordinary peasant... erm.. I mean passenger.

Ahh... back in Singapore... what to do.. what to do?

Ha ha ha!

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Firefox 1.5

Firefox 1.5 has been released.  Two noticeable changes to the interface.  For starters, the RSS icon for pages that offer their content in the form of an RSS feed is now within the address field, on the right side.  Previously, this used to appear at the bottom right corner of the window.

While it is arguable whether that is a significant change (possibly increasing its visibility), the other change to the interface is the best change in a long while!  Now you can reorder your tabs.  So if you've opened 3 tabs: CNN, Gmail, Weather, you can drag the tabs and reorder them to Gmail, Weather, CNN.  Cool bananas!  The caveat being that there seems to be a bug with the highlighting of tabs.  When you drag a tab, it gets highlighted with a blue ring.  When you drop it to the spot you want, the ring disappears.  All fine till now.  Next, select some other tab and you will see the blue ring around that selected tab!  But it disappears once you click within the page.  Maybe it's a bug, maybe it isn't, but it sure is annoying.  Yet, compared to the convenience of reordering tabs, that little bit of annoyance is a small (really really small) price to pay.

So get yourself a copy if you have not done so!  http://www.mozilla.com